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Donation Information




The Dallas Figure Skating Club is a non-profit organization that has no paid employees, just loving and generous volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to improving the lives of our children through supporting their chosen sport.   Without caring individuals, like yourself, who give tirelessly to the sport of skating and our children, our Club would not be as successful as it has become.


Not only does the Dallas Figure Skating Club provide training, critiques, parties, and other support for our skaters,   it also allows for a building of quality fellowship that will last a lifetime for our children.   Figure Skating is a tough sport and we are there to support our members and their families who take on these challenges on a daily basis.


Do you ever wonder where the money comes from to provide these services and events for the skaters and their families?  It doesn't come from the government or from city funds, but rather it comes from our already low membership dues, the many competitions we host each year, and of course, from the generosity of our members.  We constantly struggle to find volunteers and donations of goods, funds, and services that ensures we are able to maintain our low cost of membership while maintaining the high quality of service to our members.


As Figure Skating supporters and parents, we are aware of the costs of this sport and the hardships that families take on so that their Skater(s) can achieve his/her goals.  We also know that many of you are business owners or are individuals that would like to contribute to a charitable or non-profit organization.  


Can I suggest the Dallas Figure Skating Club as such an organization?  Would you help us further our efforts with a tax deductible donation of whatever amount is possible?   What other organization offers you the peace of mind to know that 100% of your donation will be directly used to support your children and your Club?


If you are interested, and we hope you are, please visit the page that we created for donations by clicking here (, or simply email us at:


We will provide you the information on how you can donate electronically or by mail.  We are a registered 501(c)(3) charity and will provide you with the appropriate receipt(s) for your tax purposes.


We appreciate your support and thank you in advance!





The Board of Directors

Dallas Figure Skating Club

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